Asbestos’s toxic effects have been known for a long time. Since it can disintegrate into threads so tiny they can’t be seen with the human eye, asbestos is hazardous to health. The fibers may float throughout the air for days and be breathed in for a while in the air. These fibers are extremely fine; therefore, they may penetrate deeply into the lung and end up in the lungs. Once inside lung tissue, these fibers can cause significant health issues.
Asbestos fibers of any variety can be harmful when inhaled. Critical factors in developing asbestos-related diseases are the type of asbestos inhaled, the amount of exposure, the duration, and the individual’s sensitivity.
Cancers and Their Link to Asbestos Exposure
Absolutely asbestos in any form should never be handled without adequate safeguards. A fatal asbestos-related illness does not occur in everyone exposed to the substance. However, exposure to the substance increases the chances of developing an asbestos-related illness. Cancers that have been linked to asbestos exposure are discussed here.
1. Mesothelioma
The most commonly reported ailment resulting from asbestos exposure is mesothelioma. This type of cancer may threaten the membrane that lines the stomach cavity lining of the lungs and chest or the membranes enclosing other organs.
It can take between 30 and 40 years following asbestos exposure for symptoms to manifest. Problems breathing, dry or wheezing cough, fluid around the lungs, exhaustion, and other respiratory problems are all signs. If you’re planning to file asbestos lawsuits, you need to contact a reputable lawyer to represent you in court.
2. Lung Cancer
Asbestos exposure can also be known as a cause of lung cancer, a disease characterized by the growth of a malignant tumor that invades and restricts the lung’s airways. The risk of developing asbestos-related lung cancer is considerably amplified with nicotine usage.
Similar to mesothelioma as well, lung cancer typically develops after initial exposure. In the majority of cases, it can last up to 15 years. The discomfort or pain in the chest breathing, difficulty breathing, constant cough, a cough that is accompanied by blood, or recurring respiratory infections are all indications. To claim damages and possible monetary awards, you can type in “asbestos diseases lawyer in Baton Rouge” on your search bar for the best results.
3. Laryngeal Cancer
The larynx is a muscular organ that serves as an airway that allows air to reach the lungs. Studies have proven that the risk of developing laryngeal cancer is raised by 40% in asbestos-related patients compared to those who do not.
The risk of developing laryngeal cancer was twice or three times higher for people in high-exposure occupations like construction, textiles, and mining. A few symptoms include a slurred voice, growth or lump on the neck, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing.
4. Ovarian Cancer
Every year, it is reported that more than 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Because of the possibility of asbestos fibers breathed or ingested to be absorbed by the ovaries, Ovarian cancer is more prevalent among women employed in environments and occupations that expose asbestos.
Pain in the pelvis or abdomen, bloating, the need for frequent urination, discomfort when sexually active, pain in the back, or extremity fatigue are all possible indicators of a problem. If you ought to learn more, you can click here for info.
5. Bile Duct Cancer
Researchers found out in 2009 that asbestos exposure has significantly increased the chance of developing bile duct cancer, whether at home or in the workplace. The gallbladder is linked to the liver and small intestine through bile ducts. They are a source of digestive enzymes to aid in breaking down food. These tiny tubules can hold asbestos fibers.
Liver cancer that begins in the bile ducts is known as intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Forty percent of ICC patients cited asbestos exposure as their sole risk factor in research published in 2020. Incidence and fatality rates associated with ICC are rising. The reason for this may be the cause to do with asbestos.